Archive for July, 2008


10 assumptions people make about clergy

July 27, 2008


Like it or not people judge pastors. Some people judge before they even meet us. We often confirm their judgments upon meeting them. Still others just go by what they hear and believe the images and caricatures placed on pastors. Here are just a few that I’ve heard. We must dispel these myths.

1. We only know the Bible.

2. We’re not educated.

3. We’re out for money.

4. We’re rich!

5. We only work one day per week.

6. We don’t associate with pastors of other denominations/faiths.

7. We don’t watch tv or movies.

8. We’re “holier” than others.

9. We’re self-righteous.

10. We’re perfect.


10 reasons “they” just don’t get it

July 20, 2008


It’s so easy to get caught up doing the same old thing. God has called us to preach the word and be instant in season and out of season. While we don’t change the essence of the Gospel message, we must change our methodology. Just because our it has been done a certain way doesn’t mean that is the only way it should be done.

The “they” described are locked into one way and “they” refuse to deviate from that way or else things will not turn out the way “they” were taught.

Don’t follow the “they” stay fresh with innovative ways to share the gospel, grow your church and improve your preaching.

1. They were taught that way.

2. They’ve always done it that way.

3. They refuse to get it.

4. They are afraid of change.

5. They’re “maintenance” ministers.

6. They don’t read current books/publications.

7. They are the “authority”.

8. They’ve received some “results”- it can’t get better!

9. Their church is dying/dead.

10.They have no vision. They feel like they don’t need one.


10 things to do when hosting musical artists

July 14, 2008


There are some things to keep in mind when inviting a professional artist to your church or group. I had the awesome privilege of sitting down with international musical artist Michael Harris to get a better idea of what church leaders can do to make an artist’s visit to your church a more positive experience.

1. Treat them like professionals.

2. Give them time for their personal story.

3. Allow time for rest!

4. Start the concert on time.

5. Make artists feel at home and relaxed.

6. Be considerate when the artist has traveled a great distance.

7. Have a competent person on the sound equipment.

8. Be ready to pay for expenses.

9. Give the artist time to rehearse before the concert.

10. Book the artist ASAP.

with Michael Harris
with Michael Harris

10 things I learned my first year

July 8, 2008


Think back over the things you learned in seminary. Unfortunately you probably won’t use much of it in your ministry. Keep your head up and utilize what you can to help your church grow. Let me know if you learned similar things in your first year of ministry.

1. You probably won’t use much of what you learned in seminary.

2. You probably won’t have an excellent supervisor.

3. Stay in the Word.

4. Stay on your knees.

5. Stay humble.

6. Keep learning.

7. Understand your role.

8. Know their names.

9. Steer clear of the politics.

10. Take notes… (good or bad).